diumenge, 19 de juliol del 2015

Carta de 3Eurodiputats explicant als seus companys l'acord sobiranista

Els eurodiputats Ramon Tremosa, Josep-Maria Terricabras i Ernest Maragall han escrit una carta dirigint-se a Europa per explicar l'acord entre CDC, ERC i les entitats sobiranistes per presentar una candidatura conjunta independentista de cara a les eleccions del 27-S. En el text expliquen que Raül Tremosa serà el cap de llista i recorden el seu pas per l'Eurocambra durant deu anys.

Diuen que en cas que la llista independentista assolís una majoria al Parlament de Catalunya, s'iniciaria immediatament un procés de negociació amb l'estat espanyol i la Unió Europea per convertir-se en un nou estat d'Europa. Inclouen tres enllaços del The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times i Reuters, en el qual s'explica la situació que viu Catalunya.

A continuació podeu llegir la carta íntegra en anglès:

«Dear colleagues,

We just want to let you know that our parties in Catalonia have decided to join forces with major entities in the Catalan civil society to run in the next Catalan election on the 27th September under the umbrella of a common candidacy that will have as its unique objective to get a mandate for the independence of Catalonia.

The Catalan election, due in September 27th will thus become a de facto referendum on the independence of Catalonia, as Rajoy and the Spanish political establishment have repeatedly denied our right to decide our own future through a referendum like Cameron and the UK did with Scotland even though 80% of the Catalan population favour holding such a vote.

What's more, the TOP candidate in the pro-independence list will be former Green MEP Raül Romeva, a great politician and truthfully pro-European who for ten years 2004-2014 was an honourable and hard-working member of this house. After supporting a federal solution for the Catalan issue for most of his life, in the last few years hi political views changed tack towards favouring the independence as the best solution for the Catalan people to be able to provide social justice, a prosperous society and full integration with the EU.

In case the pro-independence candidacy wins a majority of seats in the Catalan Parliament, a process to achieve full independence will be immediately initiated in which negotiations both with the Spanish State and the European Union will be an integral part.

Hereby you'll find some links from the international press explaining the situation in Catalonia:

The Wall Street Journal: http://www.wsj.com/articles/catalan-independence-parties-formunited-front-against-madrid-1436975801

The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/07/15/world/europe/ap-euspain-catalonia.html?_r=0

Reuters: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/07/14/uk-spain-catalonia-agreementidUKKCN0PO1Y520150714

Finally, attached you'll find an academic study presented yesterday and written by several European think tanks, including CEPS, on the economic viability of Catalonia as an independent state. It stands out that "the Catalan economy benefits from secession in both scenarios examined".

The coming months will be exciting times for the Catalan people and the European democracy,

Kind regards,

Ernest Maragall Greens/EFA MEP

Josep-Maria Terricabras Greens/EFA MEP

Ramon Tremosa ALDE MEP»

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